Nope, don’t just dump it into our lap.
We’ve talked until we’re blue in the face about how producing insights requires an understanding of your business and its products, your values, and your marketing plan. Let us add here: And your website content.
And that understanding comes from one source: You. You, who envisioned, created and are breathing life every day into your business. You, who are trying to reach buyers to let them know they simply can’t do without your product or service.
And when you think of “reach,” you think first of a website. Good thinking. Your website is very often the first glimpse a potential customer gets of your operation, and they don’t have to know you exist in order to do so. They’ll google “auto detailers near me,” for example, or “public relations firms.” And up pops your name.
When they click on your listing (and hopefully it’s near the top of the list, because most people don’t want to scroll through thousands of listings), what do they find? Do they find a message that addresses their expectations, and is easy to navigate with all the “engagement tools” they need, like a contact page and a way to purchase or subscribe? Does it address their needs – tell them “what’s in it for me?” – or is it full of words about you, you, you?
Those are the things you have to work with us to refine. A company’s ability to satisfy the needs of a website visitor depends on those factors, visitor expectations and user experience. It’s your (and our!) ability to manage, analyze, and improve these two factors that determines your digital success (or not), and encourages that website visitor to click through to learn more about you and hopefully to become a new customer.
The key is to think in terms of insights, not data. Remember that people, not machines, build insights. People must sift through the noise to find the useful data, translate it into information to explain what is happening, then build stores of useful knowledge – insights — for your organization.
Building an environment where you can trust your data, understand it, and make important decisions based on it requires a deep level of immersion, not a superficial scan of reports. If it is to be successful, it must involve your people as well as ours. It’s a team effort in every sense of the word.
So pick up that ball. We’ll make a path so you can run with it.