Even the Oracle of Omaha can see it.
The Buffalo News owner Warren Buffett, “if cable and satellite broadcasting, as well as the Internet, had come along first, newspapers as we know them probably would never have existed.”
I haven’t purchased a physical newspaper in 13 years. The last time I did my wedding announcement was in it. Holding a paper in my hands does nothing for me-save having to remove ink off of my fingertips.
Digital publication is the only way I’m reading these days. Online publications give us the opportunity to be the gatekeeper of what we read. It puts us in the editor’s seat. I’m much more likely to seek particular writers, blogs or sources of information through targeted searches.
Controlling the message is paramount! Knowing your audience doubly so. Like www.powerofai.com says “Rest in peace traditional marketing” the world has truly gone digital and the messaging of great marketing isn’t saddled next to a classified ad any longer.
Ready for the future of guaranteed client satisfaction? The best bang for your marketing buck? Call or email me today 724-257-2700 or marci@digitalbyai.com