We never said we’d replace humans.

It doesn’t really matter how good an AI technique may be:  only a real person can effectively decide what’s actionable and what’s insightful for your business, and how to join insight with the correct action.   That’s why it’s important, when you turn your company’s marketing over to an agency, that you stay involved.  No one knows your business…

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Yes, but is it actionable?

So you’ve got insight. You’ve discovered how simple it is to collect data. You’ve Googled your questions and come up with a roomful of facts. You’ve refined them and processed them and given them context so that now you can call them insight. So what?   Now you need to determine whether you’ve got insights…

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How do you know we’re worth what you’re paying us?

You’re paying for the research that determines the Actionable Insights marketing plan that will be prepared for you. We’re happy to take your money, but we’re not without conscience – we know we owe you something in return. We need to make that research pay off for you. We’ll make our research prove itself in…

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Can’t scare us.

We at Actionable Insights are unashamed geeks.  We took to technology as a duck to water, and get more excited as it refines and reshapes itself.  We welcome the chance to use it to your advantage! Here are the tools we use, and the results we get, when we partner with you to present your…

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Don’t let us confuse you.

We talk a lot at Actionable Insights about data, information and insights. We know the subject so deeply that sometimes we forget that we’re not explaining ourselves very well to those outside the geek circle. And it might seem we’re promising too much, because to be honest, not all insights are actionable. There: we’re doing…

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From the Ishango Bone to Actionable Insights: That’s progress!

Scientists continue to find evidence that since the beginning of recorded time, humans have “kept track” of data.  The practice of storing and analyzing data – the basis of today’s Actionable Insights – is found in prehistoric tally sticks.  One example, the Ishango Bone discovered in 1960 in Uganda, is thought to be one of the earliest…

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Not just reporting. Analysis.

Don’t confuse all this talk about reporting and analysis. Despite what a lot of people will tell you, they are completely different processes. Reporting comes first: it communicates results. Reporting shows us the “what,” such as changes in data. Analysis addresses the “what” and seeks answers to the “whys,” such as root causes of change.  Actionable…

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For a Glass of Wine, Can I Pitch You for an Hour?

That about sums up event marketing, doesn’t it? I mean, if a business was being completely honest, they would say exactly that. Here’s some cheese and wine, now let me tell you about my products for an hour or two. Sound like a good deal? Uhm… No thank You. If someone is willing to forego…

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Branding… and 4 Other Things That Died In 2010

Someone once said: “Branding isn’t what you tell people you are anymore, it’s what others tell each other you are.” If that’s the case, and I believe it is, why are we still spending precious marketing dollars attempting to build a brand informing the market of who we think we are to them? A 10-million-dollar…

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Discounting Isn’t Good Marketing; It’s Lazy!

Every company offers an incentive from time to time to drive short term revenue. But marketing firms are increasingly using discounts to show their clients results and it is a lazy way to market. Gone are the days of using smart value propositions and segmentation to drive real, sustainable results and enter the days of…

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